Will You?
Will you?
Will you give
Or will you take
Will you rise
Or will you fall
Will you lead
Or will you follow
Will you speak loudly
Or will you listen intently
Will you build
Or will you destroy
Will you choose wisely
Or will you follow aimlessly
Will you praise
Or will you criticize
Will you love
Or will you hate
Will you seek the truth
Or will you agree with lies
Will you care for others
Or will you avoid responsibility
Will you march into battle
Or will you run from confrontation
Will you see the future of tomorrow
Or will you be blinded by the actions of today
Will you kill the dreams of dreamers
Or will you encourage the vision of visionaries
Will you be a friend to a stranger
Or will you be an enemy to a neighbor
Will you swim up stream
Or will you go with the flow
Will you make peace
Or will you argue
Will you smile
Or will you frown
Will you laugh
Or will you cry
Will you choose to live
Or will you wait to die
Will you?