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His Name "Big Grandpa"

As I sat to write about my grandfather, I became a bit in awe of his choices, his experiences, his accomplishments, but more importantly, I don’t think I can describe how important Big Grandpa was in my life. He clearly was the most influential. Undeniably, he made a difference. But how? What did my grandfather do or say that made such an indelible footprint in my life.


  • for his family, his wife, his children, his grandchildren, his friends, and most importantly, his God.

  • I remember dropping by the house on a warm Summer day and you would have thought that I had won the lottery, he treated me like a King. No Grandpa didn’t deluge with me gifts; it was his mere presence that made me feel so good inside. I remember the many songs that he would sing to each grandkid. Each one with a special melody, each one with specifics lyrics for each kid. He was a regular “folk-song” Picasso.


  • The many field trips that Grandpa would volunteer as a driver for the elementary school to ferry us to museums, parks, and so many other places in San Diego County.

  • The trips to the beach with us grandkids, where Grandpa would sport that year’s summer wear. I guess he must have read that Overalls and cowboy boots on the beach was quite chic. Then to top it off, once we arrived back home, Grandpa showed great judgment in treating each of us equally by firing up the garden hose and blasting the sand off our bodies with fine COLD water.

  • The roaring firers in the fireplace that he would prepare, so that when you arrived at his home on a brisk morning you could take off your jacket—IMMEDATELY.

  • The trips to Texas were he could calculate miles per hour, how many miles till our destination, and other computations—all in a matter of seconds and no not with a calculator, but in his head.

  • The countless pieces of wood that were widdled into a fine set of cutlery or tiny pieces of furniture for many of us to adore.


The old saying “moss doesn’t grow under your feet” exemplified grandpa’s actions. I have no idea how many times that we would spend the day in search of more firewood to stock for next winter.

From delivering milk, to selling real estate, to building yet another garden, to merely puttering in the garage, Grandpa constantly had something going on.


Grandpa knew no stranger. He served as a greeter for the church for eons. I suspect that Sam Walton must have met Big Grandpa and used his approach of saying “Hello,” because the WalMart greeters of today are what my grandfather was yesterday.


Grandad had his opinion on every subject. And yes, sometimes he said some things that he shouldn’t have. But I can’t remember at any time that he said “I’m disappointed in you; You should have done this.” Instead, I remember him saying “I’m proud of you. I love you.”


Many of us, knew that Big Grandpa was an accomplished poet / writer. In reviewing the many offerings, I came across this interesting piece.


Oh Lord just now help me to see

This selfish, careless one is me.

That I now show so much of me

And oh so little, Lord, of Thee.

Give me grace to show

Thy love in all I do this day

That by my life someone may

Come to know

The truth, the light, the way.

This is my plea.

That men may see much less of me

And much more of Thee.

If souls I meet along life’s road,

Who struggle under sins great load

Grant, Lord, I pray, that this I do;

That I may lead them home to you.

And in my life, all men may see,

None of me and all of Thee.


Earlier this week I had the opportunity to chat with my grandfather. “Big Grandpa I hear you’re going on a trip.” “Yep, I’ve got my bags packed and waiting for my plane ticket.” My grandfather was ready to work for the CEO of CEOs.

Yes, there were so many things that my grandfather did in his life that I will not forget. Were all the stories he told, TRUE? Maybe not, there might have been a few facts that were slightly altered. But who cares, they made for great stories.

So today, we are here not to grieve, but rather to celebrate grandpa’s life. Big Grandpa is working away at his new home in heaven.

So I wonder what he would say—I suspect that it would be something like this.

"Howdy everyone. I see that everyone is accounted for and I would have preferred to have been able to say a few words, but the body given to me has done played out, so I figured that I would write you a letter instead.

So ahoy from Heaven. I’ve done many things in life, but this tops them all, having the opportunity to worship at the foot of God. I need to watch my Ps &Qs though, since I’m the rookie in the group.

I’m stilling waiting for my wings. That’s right when I arrived I was given a set of 2002 xsp wings. They say the “XSP” means for those who were extra special people. Grandma immediately said “Mod-el it”, and unlike the pink underwear given to me at Christmas many years ago, I tried on the new wings. Grandma said the shade of white was not quite right, so they were sent back to the factory, so that they could adjust the color. You know Grandma, she wants to me always to look the best.

Ah yes, Grandma. I was fortunate to have been married to her for over 62 years and after not seeing her for the last year and a half; it’s been absolutely wonderful to be in her arms again. The best part is that her memory and mine are now perfect. That’s right, no more asking the same questions over the same cotton-pickin things that you all answered so many times before.

Memory and no more of the fall aparts. No more worries about my feet. I’m no longer regulated to a wheelchair, I can fly around anywhere I want. I even have all of my fingers – word of caution watch out for those radial arm saws, they’ll bitecha everytime, if you’re not careful.

I’ve been looking to plant a garden but it’s hard to find decent soil in these clouds. The seeds don’t sit well, and the water just flows right through. I don’t mind playing a harp like the next angel, but a xsp kinda of guy needs a place to plant a garden. I’ll see if I can speak to engineering to see if they can get this fix.

I hear there’s going to be a party with the ole gang from Bethel Baptist. Mr. and Mrs. Brady, John Burt, Papa and Mama Hooks, the Elams, Bill Stubbee—they’ll all be there. I don’t the when and where, so I’ll just hang out with Grandma, she already knows the ropes.

I can’t tell you much more about heaven and it’s surroundings. I don’t want to be breaking any rules, but I will tell you this, that words can’t describe the beauty of this place. I’ve met my God and I look forward to worshipping him constantly. Folks cheer up. Yes I will miss you all, but I will see each of you so very soon. I’ll work with Grandma and have fried chicken and cobbler ready when you get here.

I love you all."

Big Grandpa.

Bill Witt - CPA, Attorney
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author
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